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drawString is a function that is part of gc (Graphics Context).

This function is used to display text, numbers etc. on the screen at specified coordinates.

Returns an integer corresponding to the width of the displayed string.

This has been introduced in TI-Nspire OS 3.0 (Changes).


gc:drawString(string, x, y [,position])

Parameter Type Description
string The text to display
number the x coordinate of the beginning of the string. Relative to position.
number the y coordinate of the beginning of the string. Relative to position.
string the string’s anchor point. It can either be "baseline", “bottom”, “middle”, or “top”. See screenshot below.

The position argument is optional, but defaults to "bottom" as of OS 3.2.


function on.paint(gc)
     gc:drawString("Hello World", 0, 0, "top")

will display    Hello World     at the top-left part of the screen.

Good to know

In order to clear up what 'position' does, here's an animated image with the 4 possibilities, showing a text that is drawn at the same 60;60 coordinates, but with different "position" attributes.