Quick Overview
- on.paint is called when the GUI is painted. 'gc' is the Graphics Context
- on.resize is called when the window is rezised
- on.arrowKey is called when an arrow key from the clickPad/TouchPad is pressed (right, left, up, down)
- on.arrowLeft is called when the left arrow is pressed
- on.arrowRight is called when the right arrow is pressed
- on.arrowUp is called when the up arrow is pressed
- on.arrowDown is called when the down arrow is pressed
- on.up -- probably for the touchpad up motion
- on.down -- probably for the touchpad down motion
- on.enterKey is called when the enter key is pressed.
- on.escapeKey is called when the escape key is pressed.
- on.tabKey is called when the tab key is pressed.
- on.deleteKey is called when the delete key is pressed.
- on.backspaceKey is called when the clear key is pressed.
- on.returnKey is called when the return key is pressed.
- on.contextMenu is called when the combo-key Ctrl Menu is pressed.
- on.backtabKey is called when the combo-key Maj Tab is pressed.
- on.clearKey is called when the combo-key Ctrl Clear is pressed.
- is called when the combo-key Ctrl H is pressed.
- on.charIn is called when the Nspire detects a non arrow key being pressed.
- on.blink called when the focus is lost on the page (like launching the document, changing page etc...)
- on.create called when the script gets created.
- on.deactivate called when the focus is lost on the page (like launching the document, changing page etc...)
- on.activate called when the focus is on the page (like launching the document, changing page etc...)
- on.destroy is called when the document is about to get closed (or cut)
- on.mouseDown is called when we press the left mouse button. X and Y are the pressed point coordinates.
- on.mouseUp is called when we release the left mouse button.
- on.mouseMove is called when the mouse moves
- on.grabDown
- on.grabMove
- on.grabUp
- on.rightMouseDown
- on.rightMouseUp
Pages in category "Events"
The following 46 pages are in this category, out of 46 total.
- on.activate
- on.arrowDown
- on.arrowKey
- on.arrowLeft
- on.arrowRight
- on.arrowUp
- on.backspaceKey
- on.backtabKey
- on.blink
- on.charIn
- on.clearKey
- on.contextMenu
- on.copy
- on.copyEnabled
- on.create
- on.cut
- on.cutEnabled
- on.deactivate
- on.deleteKey
- on.destroy
- on.down
- on.enterKey
- on.escapeKey
- on.getSymbolList
- on.grabDown
- on.grabMove
- on.grabUp
- on.mouseDown
- on.mouseMove
- on.mouseUp
- on.paint
- on.paste
- on.pasteEnabled
- on.resize
- on.restore
- on.returnKey
- on.rightMouseDown
- on.rightMouseUp
- on.tabKey
- on.timer
- on.up
- on.varChange