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Quick Overview

Events are one of the most fundamental things to know about the Nspire Lua language. You can see how events are managed inside the Lua implementation here.

  • on.arrowKey is called when an arrow key from the clickPad/TouchPad is pressed (right, left, up, down)
  • on.arrowLeft is called when the left arrow is pressed
  • on.arrowRight is called when the right arrow is pressed
  • on.arrowUp is called when the up arrow is pressed
  • on.arrowDown is called when the down arrow is pressed

  • on.charIn is called when the Nspire detects a non arrow key being pressed.

  • on.blink called when focus changes, notably when the widget is blinking when selecting an app on the screen (Ctrl-K)
  • on.createMathBox called when there is a MathBox created.
  • on.create called when the script gets created. Deprecated in 3.2. See on.contruction.
  • called when the script gets created.
  • on.deactivate called when the focus is lost on the page (like launching the document, changing page etc...)
  • on.activate called when the focus is on the page (like launching the document, changing page etc...)
  • on.destroy is called when the document is about to get closed (or cut)
  • on.getFocus is called when the script receives user input focus.
  • on.loseFocus is called when the script loses user input focus.

  • on.mouseDown is called when we press the left mouse button. X and Y are the pressed point coordinates.
  • on.mouseUp is called when we release the left mouse button.
  • on.mouseMove is called when the mouse moves
  • on.grabDown is called when the grabbing motion is detected (When the user presses and holds the Select key on a device, when the user presses Ctrl + Select on a device, or when the user presses the middle mouse button)
  • on.grabUp is called after the grabbing action.
  • on.grabMove is called when the cusor is moved while grabbed. Doesn't exist anymore in 3.2+.
  • on.rightMouseDown is called when the user pushes the "right click" button
  • on.rightMouseUp is called when the user releases the "right click" button

  • on.keyboardUp() which fires when the tablet's on-screen keyboard gets shown.
  • on.keyboardDown() which fires when the tablet's on-screen keyboard gets hidden.

  • is called when the script app is saved to the document or copied to the clipboard.
  • on.restore is called when the script application is restored from its saved state in a document or when the app is pasted into a document..

  • on.cutEnabled is called when the "cut" feature gets enabled.
  • on.copyEnabled is called when the "copy" feature gets enabled.
  • on.pasteEnabled is called when the "pastes" feature gets enabled.
  • on.cut is called when the user cuts something.
  • on.copy is called when the user copies something.
  • on.paste is called when the user pastes something.