Category:Physics Engine/Bounding Boxes

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A bounding box is a structure the contains the left, bottom, right, and top edges of a box.

Its type is TI.cpBB.

bb = physics.BB(l, b, r, t)
Parameter Type Description
l in number left
b in number bottom
r in number right
t in number top
bb out physics.BB A bounding box with boundaries left, bottom, right, and top

Returns a new bounding box with the given initial edges.

Introduced in platform.apiLevel = '2.0'

bottom = physics.BB:b()
Parameter Type Description
self in physics.BB The input bounding box
bottom out number The bottom edge of the bounding box

Returns the bottom edge of the bounding box.

Introduced in platform.apiLevel = '2.0'

cvec = physics.BB:clampVect(vec)
Parameter Type Description
self in physics.BB The input bounding box
vec in physics.Vect A vector
cvec out physics.Vect A vector clamped to the bounding box

Returns a copy of vec clamped to the bounding box.

Introduced in platform.apiLevel = '2.0'

bool = physics.BB:containsBB(other)
Parameter Type Description
self in physics.BB The input bounding box
other in physics.BB The other bounding box
bool out boolean True if self completely contains the other bounding box

Determines if a bouding box contains another bounding box.

Introduced in platform.apiLevel = '2.0'

bool = physics.BB:containsVect(vec)
Parameter Type Description
self in physics.BB The input bounding box
vec in physics.Vect A vector
bool out boolean True if self contains vector vec

Determines if a bounding box contains a vector.

Introduced in platform.apiLevel = '2.0'

bb = phyics.BB:expand(vec)
Parameter Type Description
self in physics.BB The input bounding box
vec in physics.Vect A vector
bb out physics.BB The bounding box self expanded to include vector vec

Returns the bounding box that contains both self and vec.

Introduced in platform.apiLevel = '2.0'

bool = physics.BB:intersects(other)
Parameter Type Description
self in physics.BB The input bounding box
other in physics.BB The other bounding box
bool out boolean True if self intersects the other bounding box

Determines if two bounding boxes intersect.

Introduced in platform.apiLevel = '2.0'

left = physics.BB:l()
Parameter Type Description
self in physics.BB The input bounding box
left out number The left edge of the bounding box

Returns the left edge of the bounding box.

Introduced in platform.apiLevel = '2.0'

bb = physics.BB:merge(other)
Parameter Type Description
self in physics.BB The input bounding box
other in physics.BB The other bounding box
bb out physics.BB The bounding box that contains both self and the other bounding box

Returns the bounding box that contains both self and the other bounding box.

Introduced in platform.apiLevel = '2.0'

self = physics.BB:setb(bottom)
Parameter Type Description
self in physics.BB The input bounding box
bottom in number The new value for the bottom edge of the bounding box
self out physics.BB The input bounding box is returned as the output

Sets the bottom edge of the bounding box to a new value. Returns self.

Introduced in platform.apiLevel = '2.0'

right = physics.BB:r()
Parameter Type Description
self in physics.BB The input bounding box
right out number The right edge of the bounding box

Returns the right edge of the bounding box.

Introduced in platform.apiLevel = '2.0'

self = physics.BB:setl(left)
Parameter Type Description
self in physics.BB The input bounding box
left in number The new value for the left edge of the bounding box
self out physics.BB The input bounding box is returned as the output

Sets the left edge of the bounding box to a new value. Returns self.

Introduced in platform.apiLevel = '2.0'

self = physics.BB:setr(right)
Parameter Type Description
self in physics.BB The input bounding box
right in number The new value for the right edge of the bounding box
self out physics.BB The input bounding box is returned as the output

Sets the right edge of the bounding box to a new value. Returns self.

Introduced in platform.apiLevel = '2.0'

self = physics.BB:sett(top)
Parameter Type Description
self in physics.BB The input bounding box
top in number The new value for the top edge of the bounding box
self out physics.BB The input bounding box is returned as the output

Sets the top edge of the bounding box to a new value. Returns self.

Introduced in platform.apiLevel = '2.0'

top = physics.BB:t()
Parameter Type Description
self in physics.BB The input bounding box
top out number The top edge of the bounding box

Returns the top edge of the bounding box.

Introduced in platform.apiLevel = '2.0'

wvec = physics.BB:wrapVect(vec)
Parameter Type Description
self in physics.BB The input bounding box
vec in physics.Vect A vector
wvec out physics.Vect A vector wrapped to the bounding box

Returns a copy of vec wrapped to the bounding box.

Introduced in platform.apiLevel = '2.0'

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