Revision as of 10:36, 25 August 2011 by Jimbauwens (talk | contribs)
Quick Overview
The tool palette provides a menu of commands, selectable by the user, that invoke functionality of the script app. The menu itself is accessible by pressing the "Menu" button.
- register(menuStructure) : Registers the menuStructure table.
- enable(toolname, itemname, state) : Enables or disables a menu item in the tool palette.
- enableCopy(state) : This routine enables / disables the Edit > Copy menu command.
- enableCut(state) : This routine enables / disables the Edit > Cut menu command.
- enablePaste(state) : This routine enables / disables the Edit > Paste menu command.
Pages in category "toolpalette"
The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.